What is your ultimate vision for or East Africa and South America, SYVR? where there is yet to be discovered To be the marketplace of choice for good surveyors. Today, you would fly marine inspection by providing a good surveyors in. It costs time and global, open and transparent playing money, but it’s inevitable since you field. don’t know who’s out there locally. So, with a marketplace like SYVR, SYVR is the brainchild of Survey As- Survey Association may lose on the sociation of which you are the CEO. long-distance businesses, but gain How was SYVR born? on the local survey scene. Ultimate- The marine surveyor business has ly, though, this is the way the world traditionally been driven by relation- is moving, and we believe the gain is ships. Today, if insurance companies bigger than what we may lose. need surveying in an area their ex- isting contacts do not cover, they, How big is the problem today? most often, use the Lloyds Agency If you are an insurance company, and Network. which is an online directo- there is a casualty, a good surveyor ry of surveyors approved by Lloyds would make sure that the claimed globally. However, there is no way of amount is as accurate. The surveyor knowing how skilled or experienced can also support the other party – each surveyor is nor who the attend- the shipowner or cargo owner – and ing surveyor would be. In addition, secure the right evidence and doc- the market has been quite soft for the umentation, so the claims process last 10-15 years, flooded with survey- becomes fast and fair. It is amazing ors who left big corporations to set the amount of money a good survey- up their own shop. SYVR is Survey or can save the insurance company Association’s response to this market by being objective. That is what we backdrop. We want to leverage our want to promote in the industry. In network and experience from being addition, the premium paid in the in the market for the last 100 years, market is not enough to cover the to make the market more efficient, claims. This has been going on for transparent and capability driven. 18 years, to the point that it creates a loss for the hull & machinery in- Do you consider SYVR a digital surance product. There is so much product for Survey Association? leakage in the claims process caused No, it’s much broader than that. We by bad surveyors. We want to rectify see a trend in the market now with that. clients preferring more local sur- veyors. Imagine you need to find surveyors in remote areas like West
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