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What have been some of your 10 percent of the hull & machinery biggest challenges? global market (10-12 clients in Scan- Changing the mindset for the ones dinavia and London) and these are who book a surveyor has been the Survey Association’s clients too. We hardest. We have the biggest insur- would not have been able to launch ance companies onboard and we like this, if we had been owned by a have buy-in at the C-level, but not single insurance company. quite at the operational level. The big surveying companies are also What advice would you give to showing resistance to our platform. people considering a startup in mar- This is because their business is built itime? on relationships. The smaller survey- Apart from perseverance and stub- ing companies and individual sur- bornness, accept that it is a conser- veyors like it, because it provides vative industry, and have a strate- them an extra sales channel to get gy for how to deal with that. For us, into London and Scandinavia. And of the strategy was to identify and use course, given this is a marketplace, it trend setters among market leaders has also been hard to reach the crit- – such as Tokio Marine HCC, AXA XL. ical mass and tipping point, where it Among them, management level en- is no longer a question of what you courages their case handlers to use stand to gain from our platform, but us. Now we have to strengthen that what lose, if you are not on it. connection to the handler level and demonstrate the value of our plat- What partnership approach have form. you taken so far? A multiple partner approach. But we took a key step as the Survey Associ- ation to enable this. The Survey Association has always been owned by an insurance company, for the last 25 years, it was owned by Codan. Because of this, it was difficult to get business from other insurance companies. I came in six years ago to diversify our client base. Finally, in 2017 we did a man- agement buyout to become truly independent. And this mirrors over to SYVR. So today we serve multi- ple insurance companies. We got

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