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Blockchain solutions form a key area the attendees came forward and said for you. Can you break down your the most corrupt supply chain in the process for validating, piloting, and world is in bunkering. Then we knew commercializing these projects? what to target. Our more recent work We design a consortium with one within crew certificate management, actor from each part of the supply happened after it came up as a big chain we are tackling. Then we bring challenge at several events with the all of them together and investigate Global Maritime Forum. The people the problem space and trace the ex- that reach out to us with a problem isting processes. We host workshops form the basis of the consortia that and meetings, where we aim to val- will contribute to a solution. And we idate the solutions across parallel only move on it if blockchain makes tracks: one focused on the technol- sense to apply. ogy itself, one on business devel- opment, and one the legal aspects. Can you tell us more about how you After that process, we try to demon- work with your consortia members? strate the solution in a virtual setting Some of the partners become long for testing and iteration with the con- term partners. Heidmar, the tanker sortia. If the demonstration is proven operator, is a good example. C-level feasible, we do a scaling pilot real or not, when you find the change- world-setting for a certain amount makers, you really unlock a lot. For of time. From there, we ready the example, Isabel Tatu from Heidmar product for market and create enter- has been sharing so many connec- prise grade solutions, which we will tions for the consortium working commercialize ourselves or through on our bunkering demonstrator and a joint venture with partners. Heidmar has also joined our crew certificates demonstrator as well. How do you choose which problems These people are not just interested to tackle? in one-off cases but what it means to We have an open call out to the fully digitize and integrate new solu- maritime industry on our web page, tions in maritime. We are very open where many players submit prob- about what we need. We bring in lems. Secondly, we devote time to people that can fill some gap in our be present at industry events, so toolkit. That is why we started working they know that we are looking to with C-LOG, another startup that demonstrate the next solution that works with the digitalization of crew will solve a shared challenge. Our certification. We’re not competitive, first demonstrator came from a work- and we believe in creating networks shop, we did on blockchain and an- everyone benefits from and collec- ti-corruption in maritime. Several of tively solving for problems that are

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