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adopt new technologies. They are What are your goals for 2019? carrying 90 percent of global trade. We want to grow less. We grew a They need to have the technology hundred percent last year, if we do tested and proven before they im- a headcount and look at our turn- plement it. Because, let’s be honest: over. That was too much. We need to new technologies arrive with a lot of structure what we got now. Make the bugs. needed processes without becom- ing excessively process driven. One Who have been the driving forces of the things we focus a lot on is in- on your journey so far? ternal knowledge sharing. When you Very little, if anything of our success have a small company of less than 10 can be attributed to what I have done. people, knowledge sharing comes Our first customer, Martin Peders- naturally. When you are 30 people, en, worked in Grundfos at the time. it gets more challenging. We intro- I thought our initial meeting was the duced a concept Buddy-Makker. It worst one I ever had. He did not seem comes from the military. You are as- interested in what I was offering, but signed a buddy who you make sure then he actually started up very small is okay in the broadest sense. The projects with us and was extremely two buddies meet weekly or bi-week- good at understanding the entrepre- ly for an hour and sit together and neurial approach. He pushed us to talk about what they are working on, define what it was we were going to why they chose one approach over deliver and not charge too much. He another and so on. That means you was really a guiding force in how to always have someone who can sanity build a project. 90% of what I know check what you are doing and have a comes from what I learned in that way of transferring knowledge from period from him. Martin is part of one project to another - something our advisory board today for a good we felt was increasingly difficult. reason. We have also been lucky in landing customers that gave us open What advice do you have for other feedback and referred us to new cus- entrepreneurs starting up in mari- tomers. Most of our business has time? come through word of mouth, which Remember that everything is de- replaced much of a traditional mar- pendent on who you are speaking to keting effort. After eight years we and the context. This is relevant for are only now getting a website that every industry. You never know what tracks our visitors. is going to turn out to be the big turning point.

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